
I've been programming since 2018. You can find projects that I've built here. In total, I've built 6 projects.

You can also checkout my freelance work at Tukang Studio

Import Scanner 🕵️‍♀️

Node.js package designed to extract and analyze import statements from TypeScript and TypeScript JSX files. It provides a simple and efficient way to scan your codebase for import declarations, making it useful for various code analysis and refactoring tasks.


Helping you find the best coffee shops in town.



Built a personal UI library in Storybook with Vite, React and TailwindCSS, on top of Radix UI. Bootstrapped with

YNAB Recap Report Tool

A tool to generate recap reports based on YNAB transactions csv.

YNAB Recap Report Tool


Kountr is a simple counter app that can be use in team activities.


Discord OpenID Connect Wrapper for Cognito

Small shim that allows AWS Cognito to talk to discord (by providing an OpenID wrapper around the Discord API)

Discord OpenID Connect Wrapper for Cognito